Looking Back and Looking Forward

Well, friends, it’s been a wonderful year for me as an artist and entrepreneur. For years I’ve been creating art and dreaming of ways of sharing it. This year I’ve been able to build my online shop, my blog, and my website and make that dream a reality. 

I’ve also spent a lot of time this year in my studio creating new pieces of art and continuing to share my interpretation of the world and the human experience through colors, patterns, and textures. 

I have some big ideas for what’s coming next year, but for now I want to take a moment to reflect on the new products, and new blogs that I’ve put out this year…


This Year’s Favorites on the Blog

Art is the way I share myself. My insights, emotions, delights, fears, interpretations, and play shows up through colors, shapes, and patterns on my canvas. This year, I also started sharing my perspective on art, the artistic process, and in many ways, life itself. Here are my favorite posts from 2023. Which was your favorite?

Eight Expressive Products

To see my art coming to life on the canvas is always a beautiful experience. Somehow a piece of me has been transferred onto the canvas. From that canvas it goes to the viewer, burrowing into their subconscious and finding fragments of connection between us. Sharing art is a beautiful thing. This year, I got to see my art come to life outside the canvas. To become part of day-to-day items so that it can inspire and touch people as they pass through daily life. Adding a little creative expression to the traditionally mundane.

Here are the product categories we’ve added to the store this year.


A Calendar Canvas


Artful Gifting