The art of Hygge

Does it feel to you that the world is moving at an ever-increasing pace? If you feel trapped on a treadmill of seemingly endless frenetic energy,  finding moments of comfort and tranquility can be a precious commodity. When I look around it seems as if we celebrate those who move even faster, do even more, rest even less. Amidst all the fast-paced madness, I've discovered the magic of hygge. The Oxford Dictionary 2016 “Word of the Year” winner, “hygge” is a Danish concept that celebrates coziness, contentment, and the art of simple living. I invite you to join me on a journey to explore the world of hygge and discover how incorporating art into your home can create a warm and inviting haven-the perfect place to retreat from the quickness of modern life.

Hygge (pronounced hue-gah) is more than just a word; it's a way of life. With its origins in Danish culture, hygge embodies the idea of finding joy and comfort in the simple things. It's about creating a warm, cozy atmosphere, building meaningful connections, and appreciating the beauty in life's everyday moments. In essence, hygge is the pursuit of happiness through simplicity.

As an artist, I've found that one of the most beautiful ways to infuse hygge into your life is by incorporating art into your home. As I’ve written about before, art has an immense power to transform our emotions. Almost by magic, a picture enters your eye and you feel it emotionally.

We all know that feeling of cozy contentment. When you sink into a safe space, let out a long breath and feel the warmth of peace drift down your body. In those moments of calm, emotion blends with physical sensations throughout your entire body.

Want a bit more of that feeling? Here are some ideas of how to bring home that peaceful energy this fall.

Creating your Hygge sanctuary:

Low Key Lighting: Both the blue light from screens and the artificial light from bulbs releases chemicals in your brain that make you stay awake longer. Candlelight doesn’t. The flickering of candlelight as you bundle up with a book is guaranteed to bring you a feeling of warmth. Ambient lamps instead of glaring overhead lights will make a huge difference too.


“Statement Piece” Blanket: Blankets might just be my favorite way to display art in my home. A blanket can basically be a tactile canvas. Sometimes, art galleries can feel a bit sterile. An art-printed blanket gives you the opportunity to be enveloped in the artwork.


Invitations to Lounge: Adorning your furniture with cushions and throw pillows sends a message. It signals this is a place to make yourself comfortable. It asks you to sink into the space and release any tension you’ve been carrying.


Get Tactile with Texture: We might not be consciously aware of it, but our brains are picking up millions of tiny signals about our surroundings all the time. All of our senses are constantly picking up information and gauging whether we should relax or be vigilant. We like soft textures because they give us signals that we can in fact relax. Don’t just choose things because they scintillate your sight, make sure they’re sumptuous on your skin too.

Incorporating hygge into your life by infusing your home with art is a wonderful way to create a haven of coziness and beauty. Designing a space is about creating a feeling, just like art is. While I encourage people to explore the depth and breadth of human emotion through art, sometimes, art and interior design is just about pleasure. Create a space that inspires, comfort, safety, warmth, and use it to create cozy memories with the ones you love all winter.


The Art of Gratitude


Tantalizing Textures