The Art of Gratitude

When I think about the things I’m grateful for, art is very high on the list. The pleasure and satisfaction art, in all its forms, brings into my life cannot be understated. 

For me, art is a tangible expression of the emotional depth of a life well lived. Life is meant to be felt, and art has a profound ability to insight feeling at the deepest level. 

I don’t mean just the emotive experience of observing art in an art gallery. Art has become a throughline of many of the things in my life that I value. Here are just a few of the ways that art has enhanced or created some of the moments that have left me with that deep gratitude for life.

Peace Through Creation

Creating art was always an innate part of who I am. Feeling the world drift away as I created art in my childhood just felt natural and right. However, for many years I put down my creativity. I left it by the wayside as I created in different ways; a marriage, a family, a career.

After a turbulent and painful time, I dipped back into the world of art and found it had been waiting for me all along.

Tucked away waiting for a time when I would need to return to the pure pleasure of play. Dutifully waiting to sweep me into a world of creation that would soothe my turbulent mind and bring me back into balance.

I can rely on art.

Stepping into my studio, I know that I can channel my experience of the world into a piece of art. I might not be sure what product will be created, but I certainly know what the process will create within me.

Peace, and a calm sense of gratitude.

Joy in Sharing

Seeing people experience my art brings me an entirely different form of gratitude. 

A sense of connection when my work communicates and resonates with another.

Whether it’s art displayed in a gallery, a community art show, or a design for houseware, it’s a wonderful feeling knowing that my work has allowed another person to unlock feelings within them.

Earlier in my career, I had my work printed on housewares at Macy’s. Eight of my collages were printed on merchandise and sold in stores throughout the country. I wondered what dinner parties would be serving my art? What conversations would be had surrounded by my pieces? Who would be sipping their morning coffee out of one of my mugs, and what would they be thinking about?

An artist has no control over how pieces are received. Little influence over what emotions are triggered within each witness to their creation.

But they do get to experience something wonderful as their art takes on a life of its own…


Curiosity, and connection.

Gratitude for Growth

It’s been many years since Macy’s first printed my work on their products, but I now get to take pride in something new when it comes to sharing my art.

My business.

This past year my shop has filled up with new products featuring some of my favorite designs.

I get to choose which products to feature and what art gets printed on them.

I love seeing my collages come to life outside of the canvas and become something new entirely. 

My collection is growing and I couldn’t be more proud to see new items on my virtual shelves.

Delight  in Consumption

While the joy of creating and sharing my own art has been a profoundly important part of my life, the consumption of others’ art also lights me up.

I love going to galleries with my partner. Traveling the world and seeing the art of new cultures. Pausing to soak up the artist’s intentions and savoring my own reaction to it.

And truly, there is nothing I love more than seeing the art of my family.

It’s like a little window to peek inside the inner world of the ones I love.

My artist mother’s beautiful work up on my walls.

The art of my children, forever capturing moments of their youth. Moments that I can relive looking at what they’ve expressed through their creation. Moments that might otherwise be lost.

Being able to experience their expression and history is inherently satisfying, but it also gives me deep comfort knowing they too have access to the peace I find through creating art.

That they too have access to the power of creation to soothe them in turbulent times. 

Gratitude for art is just gratitude for life.

Experiences, emotions, dreams, desires, and memories are forever captured on a canvas. 

And how can we not be thankful for that?


Artful Gifting


The art of Hygge