A colorful day in the neighborhood….

For me, creating art is the experience of seeing your thoughts and feelings come to life from your imagination. The feeling of seeing the paper transformed from a blank slate to a patchwork of feelings is a profoundly satisfying experience. Showcasing my artwork and seeing people’s reactions to it just magnifies that feeling.

That’s what made it such a wonderful experience to be featured in the Santa Barbara Art Walk last month. I arranged my pieces in front of the beautiful store, domicil, in Victoria Court just off State Street, and greeted family, friends, and new faces as they traipsed through the town in search of feeling moved through art.

I’m very proud to live in a town that celebrates art and artists. Through community art events you get to see the authentic expression of the people who live among you. It creates and demonstrates culture simultaneously. Art creates connection without words. It’s a form of communication and expression that transcends language. So to walk through town seeing the inner worlds of the community is a pretty special experience. 

While I know it’s so much more convenient to purchase your art directly from a website like this, I thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon of seeing who my work was going home with. It’s so uplifting to see a piece resonate with a buyer, seeing their face light up when they feel the connection with the emotion it was created with. 

Here are some photos of my work out in the world… Hope to see YOU at the next one!


art. why bother?


the beautiful and the functional